Friday, September 13, 2013

Undust the Dream Catcher

So I know it has been such a long time since my last post... sorry :)
Things are actually going great and my first month in collage has been so amazing. I finally went through the artistic path (meaning that I decided to study architecture, FYI best decision ever!) and let my imagination float. I am actually in love with my degree (I know, such a weirdo) and I am way happier as I was in high school.

High school for me was not so good but don´t get me wrong, I loved my class, my teachers, my friends and actually I liked my school activities, but the social life in my school was really hard and now that I enter to a new chapter in life, I realize how can people get you down and also society itself.

There are 3 things you need to know about my high school before I tell you anything else:
1. People in my school where AH! They where always judging people appearances
2. If you din't have designer clothes, shoes, bags... you are OUT
3. Cliques where everything, it was just like means girls (you know the scene where they explain the cafeteria tables)

So when I entered to collage, I was like mentally prepare to come face to face with high school reality all over again, but because I was a naive freshman, I din't realize that I was entering F@!·4 collage where there are hundreds and hundreds of people of all shape, style and sizes!
When I realized that everything was so different than high school life, I was so relief and started to show my true personality because lets face it, in high school you are always afraid to show your true colours (specially in a gossip girl/ means girls kind of school). Thant was my problem, I was so afraid of people and their words. I was not the type of girl who spend all of her lunch time on the library or alienated from, society, I was actually ok in my social life and I had a lot of friend but I was not that king of girl who spend her lunch time talking trash about people who se thinks is "inferior" to her.

I know I am just a silly freshman, but I had spend 1 month in collage and I have learned so much about society. Don't be afraid to be you! You are beautiful, and you have an amazing personality so shine!!

I leave all of you cutie bunch this amazing song...

PS. Promise to write more often ;)

Catch your dreams, blow them with a kiss
- Ella